I identify with the LGBTQ community. Will I be judged or told that I am going to hell?

Heck no! Your higher power made you perfectly. We would be honored to have you join our church. You can contribute and have an equal say.

Do you offer Baptism?

We believe that Baptism can take many forms. In short, it is the moment that a person gives their will and life over to their higher power. We believe that this moment is crucial for a journey to healing and peace. 

We would be happy to facilitate your Baptism. But we believe that anyone can experience Baptism at any time. It can be a community event or a personal moment. It can involve a full immersion in water. Or it can be you praying on your knees. 

Do I need to take a class to join your church? Are there any fees or dues?

There are no classes to attend before joining the church. There are no dues or fees. The only requirement for membership is a desire to be a better person.

Do you accept donations?

We are a fully self-supporting church. We are not accepting donations currently since we do not have a church bank account. But there are currently other ways to help:

  1. Offering to host a meeting. 
  2. Offering to pay for part, or all, of a meal when we go out to dinners.
  3. Purchase food for a meeting.
  4. Bring supplies for meetings (napkins, silverware, etc.)
  5. Participate by emailing us prayer requests and service opportunity ideas. 

Please contact us. We will be happy to provide you with our current church needs. We appreciate your support!

How do I submit a prayer request or service opportunity to the group?

Please email our staff. And please word the prayer request exactly as you would like it to be sent out. We will add your prayer request to the weekly bulletin. 

How do we keep the church democratic?

We will have a quarterly business meeting where voting on member submitted topics will occur (January, April, July, and October). All members will be notified of the meeting at least 1 week in advance via the weekly email or phone system. Please email (or call in) all recommendations and suggestions at least 2 days prior to the scheduled meeting. 

All submitted recommendations will be discussed and voted on during the quarterly meetings. This should prevent disruptions to the general church meetings.

All members who wish to vote should try to attend the meeting. If that is not possible, then they can vote via email or phone. To do that, they need to request absentee voting a minimum of two days prior to the meeting.

If you have any other questions, please email or call us. We are sure it’s a great question. And we would love to add it to this section of our website. Thanks!