Schedule: When and where do we meet?

We are a small church, and we currently meet in members’ homes and in the community (restaurants, events, etc.).

To get meeting dates & times, please email 

Or, if you do not have an email address, you can call 501.539.7547.

We will need one of these: mailing address, phone number, OR email address. We will contact you 1 time a week with relevant information including:

  1. Topic for the week (self-reflection)
  2. Mid-week Community Gathering Place & Time
  3. Sunday Meeting Place & Time
  4. Other Information Including:
    1. Service Opportunities
    2. Prayer requests

Additional emails/calls will only be used if information needs to be corrected due to a change in plans.

Format: What will our meetings look like?

Sunday Church

We will gather together in a church member’s home. As we grow, we may rent a community area each week. Church will be around an hour and consist of:

Announcements (5 minutes)

Songs for Worship (5-10 minutes)

Text Reading & Discussion (Share, Read, or Pass – 25 minutes)

Prayers (5-10 minutes)

Communion (5 minutes)

Gratitude List Discussion (5 minutes)

Exit Prayer (1 minute)

Mid-Week Gathering

We will have a mid-week get together for dinner and fellowship. A short passage will be read followed by a short discussion while eating. The rest of the time would be for socialization and support of one another.

Service Opportunities

Service Opportunities are a necessary part of growing spiritually. To keep our peace, we must give it away. These opportunities may be offered in addition to or in lieu of traditional Sunday church or midweek gatherings. Church members will be encouraged to participate in service opportunities. These opportunities are chosen by the church as a whole. 

1:1 Discipleship

Discipleship is often forgotten in modern churches. It can be immensely valuable to help you grow on a spiritual journey. Discipleship means that you work closely with one other person to grow together. One person in the pair often takes a teacher role, the other takes a student role. 

Members are encouraged to pair with someone who embodies the kind of spiritual life you desire for yourself. They then help guide you toward progress. The pairs are created as soon as the two members agree. And the pairs can be dissolved at any time by either partner.

Support and advice can be offered to discipleship pairs. The pair is autonomous in deciding when, where, and how often to meet.